Mark Callahan

Agent/Broker at FC Tucker Bluegrass in Lexington, KY

Photo of Agent

FC Tucker Bluegrass

3988 Mooncoin Way Lexington, KY 40515
859-661-5103 [Office]
859-699-9668 [Mobile]

Million Dollar Club Member 2005 & 2006
Accredited Buyer's Representative Designation
Certified Residential Specialist Candidate

If you were thinking about buying stocks for a stock broker, wouldnýt you want them to be invested in the market too? What is the point in selling something if you do not believe in it? I am not only a Realtor, but I am an investor as well. I walk the walk and can give you the value of my personal experience. Experience teaches things that books do not. If you are going to invest your hard earned money in a real estate investment, make sure your agent has invested as well. Real estate is a good investment. Be sure your agent is a real estate investor. I am.

I was born and raised in Queens, New York where I studied and worked as a professional actor. I met a wonderful girl while on tour in Danville, Kentucky and we were married in 1997. I have lived here ever since and have loved every minute of it. I have a two year old adopted boy and one on the way. I talk faster than the average person and still use the occasional New York slang from time to time, Fagetaboutit!

Working in Commercial Real Estate since 2004, Catylist Member since 2006

Property Types

All Property Types


Buyer Representation

Real Estate Licenses

Real Estate License: 206809


Masters, Educational Theater
NYU 1997