Events Calendar

KCREA Member Meeting

We are pleased to have Scott Brinkman, Secretary of the Executive Cabinet, as our speaker at the KCREA member meeting on Thursday March 14th to discuss economic development initiatives.
Mr. Brinkman currently serves as the Secretary of the Executive Cabinet in Governor Bevin’s administration. In this capacity, he oversees the various Cabinets and is responsible for implementing the Governor’s policies and programs.
Secretary Brinkman represented the 32nd legislative district in eastern Jefferson County in the Kentucky House of Representatives from 2001 to 2010, where he served on the Appropriations and Revenue Committee, the Health and Welfare and the Local Government Committees.
Before his appointment as the Secretary of the Executive Cabinet, Secretary Brinkman practiced law in Louisville for 35 years. He specialized in corporate, real estate and public finance law during his legal career.
Scott Brinkman has also been involved in a number of civic and charitable activities including having served as the Chair of the Kentucky Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders. He currently serves on the Applied Behavior Analyst Licensure Board as well as on the Board of the Waterfront Development Corporation.
Please join us for coffee and pastries at 9:15am, the speaker will begin at 9:30am.

Cost: free

Contact Information:

March 14, 2019
9:15AM – 10:30AM

Greater Louisville Association of REALTORS
6300 Dutchmans Pkwy
Louisville KY 40205